Most folks know that physical therapists treat muscles and soft tissue (think tennis elbow or sprained ankle).
Pelvic physical therapy is the same thing! Often, it is the musculoskeletal system surrounding the pelvis that causes pelvic pain.
Pediatric pelvic floor physical therapy is different from adult pelvic physical therapy, in that, it focuses on helping children and their less developed bodies gain improved control and understanding of bodily functions and their pelvic muscles, to correct bladder and bowel function.
Pediatric pelvic physical therapy emphasizes helping the child and family members with any pelvic floor issues to provide a holistic approach
to treating this part of the body.

- nighttime bed wetting
- a strong urge to urinate (urgency)
- bladder or bowel leakage
- constipation
- low back pain
- hip pain

Your Child May Have
Bladder / Bowel Dysfunction
- Urinary incontinence
- Fecal incontinence
- Constipation
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Ulcerative colitis
- Chron’s disease
Musculoskeletal Dysfunction
- IT band syndrome
- Generalized muscle weakness

Copyright @2025 Pelvic Therapy Specialists, PC. All rights reserved.
Our clinic serves all of the Denver metro area, including: Boulder, Louisville, Superior, Lafayette, Longmont, Arvada, Westminster, Thornton, Brighton, Erie, Frederick, Firestone, North Denver, Northglenn, Broomfield, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Lyons, Lakewood, Dacono, and Commerce City